Saturday, May 9, 2009

My new office

Yes, I know I was supposed to turn Sarah’s old room into my office/sewing room/whatever. But I have discovered that I would rather set up the laptop in the family room. I think it’s partly a matter of convenience. I’m on the first floor most of the time. When I go upstairs to turn on the computer to check email or do a blog post I feel like I have to stay up there until its done. And I feel isolated (not that there are a lot of people roaming through the house these days). I think I have to come to grips with the fact that I don’t need a place to get away from the kids – that ship has sailed. We have the house to ourselves. Jim has his space downstairs and I have pretty much the rest of the house to choose from. When we moved the desk into this corner and I sat at it the first time, it felt right. It actually reminds me of our first apartment, with this very desk tucked into a corner, surrounded by shelves full of law school textbooks, where I studied for the bar exam. I guess home décor is as much emotion based as anything.

1 comment:

sarah manville gann said...

This is beautiful. I agree, if I had the whole house to myself I would set up shop not in the "office" but in the sunroom off the living room. That is the space that sings to me. Maybe in 20 years or so.