Ever since Jim got hooked on blogging in one of his Ed. Tech. classes, he's been suggesting that I start a blog. After all, Katie has one, and so does our new son-in-law Sean. And our friend Sarah Gann has not one but three blogs.
The problem with beginning endeavors like this is that I tend to lose interest after awhile. And to prove it, I have a closet full of half-started needlepoint kits, patterns and fabric that remain in their JoAnn Fabrics bags, and knitting needles and crochet hooks that haven't been used since, oh, college. Hence the title. I have taken up (and abandoned) more hobbies (for lack of a better word) than you would believe. There was macrame and latch-hooked rugs (what can I say? -- it was the 70s), knitting, crocheting, sewing, and needlepoint (some of which I still dabble in). Of course, there's our yard, and browsing flea markets and digging in the seconds room in the Homer Laughlin Factory Outlet store for great deals on Fiestaware. All of which provided enjoyment at the time. Many still do.
So I'm hoping that updating this blog, in addition to being a way to communicate with our far-flung family, will act as a "nudge" to motivate me to finish a few of those languishing projects, and provide some entertainment value as well.
We'll see.